Creating Survey Invitation

Setting Up an Email Invitation

To set up an email invitation template:

  1. Ensure the correct project is selected via the drop-down list

  2. Click on the Email Templates button

  3.  Enter the following template details:
    •  A name for the template
    •  Name and address from which the email will be sent
    •  Reply To address (optional - leave this field blank if all replies to the invitation are to go to the same email address that has already been entered as the from address)
    •  The subject line for the email
    •  Select the required privacy policy from the drop down list – the selected policy will automatically appear in the footer of your email.

  4.  Compose the email invitation itself by simply typing or pasting text into the html editor.
    • Insert sample variables where required via the survey variables drop-down box to personalise the text
    • Insert the survey link using the sample variable drop down [@SurveyURL]
    • Create a hyperlink for the survey URL by clicking on insert link and then copy the survey URL to the URL field and click OK
    • Include an unsubscribe link, by selecting [@UnsubscribeURL] from the sample variable drop down. Click insert link and update the URL as per the previous step
    • Add images and format text as desired
    • To save a new invitation template, click Save New, otherwise just click save to save the current invitation

Setting Up an SMS Invitation

To set up an SMS invitation template:

  1. Ensure the correct project is selected via the drop-down list

  2. Click on the SMS Templates button

  3. Enter the following template details:
    • A name for the template
    • Name or phone number from which the SMS will be sent
    • Reply to email address (optional)
    • An unsubscribe keyword
  4. Compose the SMS invitation itself by simply typing or pasting text into the html editor.
    • Select "Short Survey URL" from the drop-down list to insert into the invitation

    • Ensure you include the unsubscribe keyword in the text

    • To save a new invitation template, click Save New, otherwise just click save to save the current invitation